Lokakuu koitti ja sain Kaisan RR:n työn alle. Kaisalla on aiheenaan keittiö ja kun sieltä puuttui kihvelit ja kahvelit, niin päätinpä pistellä kankaalle muiden kaveriksi sellaiset. Malli löytyi uusimmasta MaXXina lehdestä (jonka hinta on noussut puolessa vuodessa kaksi euroa :(((( ) ja tykkäsin väreistäkin, joten langat esiin ja pistelemään. Viikon pistelin on/off ja sain näin kauniit ruokailuvälineet aikaan;
It was time to stitch Kaisa's RR in October. She had Kitchen as her topic and since her kitchen was missing forks and knives, I decided to stitch them to join everything else on her fabric. I found the chart from the newest MaXXina magazine (which price has risen 2 euros in half a year :(((( ) and liking the colors, I got out the floss and stitched. With a week of on/off stitching I made these beautiful cutlery;
Olen väkertänyt kaikenlaista tässä pistot-off tilassa, mutta niistä myöhemmin :D Kivaa on kuitenkin ollut ja lisää tulossa :O :D
I've been fidling around while stitching-off mode, but I'll tell/show you later :D I've had fun and there's more to come :O :D
Esikoiseni täytti maanantai 21 v. Mihin aika on oikein lentänyt??? Vastahan synnytin hänet, hän oppi kävelemään ja sanomaan äiti ja lukemaan ja kirjoittamaan ja pääsi ripille ja ja ja.... Nyt hän todellakin on jo 21 vuotias kaunis nuori aikuinen!!! Ja myös itsekkin äiti!! Olen niin äärettömän onnellinen, että minulle on suotu esikoiseni!
My firstborn DD turned 21 y on Monday. Where did all this time go... I just gave birth to her and she learned to walk and say mum and read and write and got confirmed and and and .... And now she really is a 21 year old beautiful young woman!! And a mother herself!! I'm am so deeply happy that I have been blessed with her!!
It was time to stitch Kaisa's RR in October. She had Kitchen as her topic and since her kitchen was missing forks and knives, I decided to stitch them to join everything else on her fabric. I found the chart from the newest MaXXina magazine (which price has risen 2 euros in half a year :(((( ) and liking the colors, I got out the floss and stitched. With a week of on/off stitching I made these beautiful cutlery;
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I've been fidling around while stitching-off mode, but I'll tell/show you later :D I've had fun and there's more to come :O :D
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My firstborn DD turned 21 y on Monday. Where did all this time go... I just gave birth to her and she learned to walk and say mum and read and write and got confirmed and and and .... And now she really is a 21 year old beautiful young woman!! And a mother herself!! I'm am so deeply happy that I have been blessed with her!!
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