Katselin tuota listaani ja totesin, että tuo velho ei sittenkään oikein innosta. En näe, että se sopisi mihinkään meille kotiin, eikä nyt ole oikein ketään, kelle tuon voisi lahjaksi antaa. Joten aiemmin katselemani malli pääsi nyt listalle ja työn alle vuoden vaihteen jälkeen.
I've been checking out my list and realized that the wizard doesn't do it for me. I can't see it hanging on the wall at home and I can't think of anyone I'd like to give to as a present. So I've decided to take it out and put in a chart I've been looking at before and this is on my list and is going to get stitched come next year.
I've been checking out my list and realized that the wizard doesn't do it for me. I can't see it hanging on the wall at home and I can't think of anyone I'd like to give to as a present. So I've decided to take it out and put in a chart I've been looking at before and this is on my list and is going to get stitched come next year.
Night Eyes
Peter Kull /Dimension
Peter Kull /Dimension
Onpas sudella vaikuttava katse! Tosi upea tästä kyllä tulee!
It is great!
I have this pattern to!
I love the colours.
By the way..my blog has a gadget for translation, look on the right side.
there stands: browse this site in..there you can select your language.
Kaunis malli. Samoin kaikki nuo sinun muutkin valinnat. Itse jätän ensi vuoden hassutuksen väliin kun en oo saanu entisiäkään tehtyä. :D
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