I received a wonderful surprise from
Mintsi, the mailman brought a few days ago! Mintsi had stitched a pinkeeper for me and put a couple of beuatiful pins in it too! And there was a card too :D Thank you my dear friend for this wonderful, uplifting surprisej! And I'm sorry I don't have pictures, since I dropped our camera and now it needs a bit of fixing.
Edit: Mintsille kiitos, kun sain häneltä kuvaa :D
Thank you Mintsi for this picture :D
Toinen paketti tuli samaisena päivä, kiitos ihanainen SRPYyni! Paketissa oli Tralalaan malli lankoineen, suloinen keittiöaiheinen kirjanmerkki sekä neulottu tiskirätti ja tietty kortti kertomassa keneltä paketti tuli. Ihana yllätys, kiitos SPRY :D
I received an other package the same day, thank you my wonderful SCSF! She sent me a Tralala chart with floss, a cute bookmarker stitched with little kitchenery pictures and also a knitted "washcloth" for dishes. And of course a note telling who the package was from. A delightful surprise, thank you SCSF :D
Kuvia sitten joskus, kun saadaan kamera pelittämään!
Picture's once our camera's in picturetakingmode!
Sitten haluan vielä kiittää kaikkia teitä, jotka olette toivotelleet paranemista yms. tämän nilkka-hommani kanssa. On ihana huomata, että myötäeläjiä löytyy :D *halaa ja rutistaa kaikkia kommentin jättäjiä*
And I want to thank all of you, who have wished me well with this ankle of mine. It's wonderful to notice you empathize :D *bracing and hugging all of you who left a comment*
1 comment:
Take your time with your ankle. It takes time. One day at a time and one stitch at a time.
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